Marc Adenaw
Master and Professional Circle Propeller Coach
11th Generation Ving Tsun descendant through Ip Man, Ip Ching, Peter Graun
Certified Sifu and teacher of the Wing Chun Center Germany
Master of Circle Propeller Kung Fu and Chin Na after Rambo Kong Kwok Keung
Author The Knowledge of the Masters
Author Wing Chun from beginner to professional
Specialized in preservation, cultivation and transmission of Ving Tsun Kung Fu
Marc Adenaw has been practicing martial arts since the age of seven. At a young age he began to learn Judo in Goslar for several years with Manfred and later with ot he Boris Gillner.
Since 1995 he runs Wing Chun and got to know several styles from Sifu Peter Graun, director ot he Wing Chun Center Germany. In 2007 he accompanied Sifu Peter Graun numerous ot heo China. There he learned the most effective martial arts methods from several grandmasters. Since his first visit to Hong Kong in 2007 he travelled together with Sifu Peter Graun at least twice a year to Hong Kong to learn Ving Tsun Kung Fu with Grandmaster Ip Ching, the youngest son of Grandmaster Ip Mans and heir ot he Ip Man legacy.
Marc Adenaw was present as translator and discussion leader at the numerous private trainings that Sifu Graun has been using since 2007 with Grandmaster Ip Ching. The explanations by Grandmaster Ip Ching about the shapes, up ot he wooden doll, the double knives and the long stick impressed him very much. During this time he gained deep insights into this system and decided to document and publish this knowledge in a suitable form.

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Since then Marc Adenaw has published several small and very comprehensive books on the subject, such as the 350-page Graundlagen book, numerous video documentaries and websites. Long before anyone else came up with the idea, he and Sifu Peter Graun produced the first 3D learning materials, for which they travelled to Austria to record all movement patterns and shapes using motion capture technology. Excerpts from these recordings can still be found today in the websites and videos.
Further influences in Marc Adenaw’s martial arts career:
In Hong Kong, Sifu Graun and Marc Adenaw met actor and martial arts expert Kong Kwok Keung, also known as Rambo Kong, in Kowloon Park. Kong taught you the Circle Propeller Kung Fu in the following years, which consists of concepts and techniques of Tai Chi as well as other Kung Fu systems. In 2015 Kong awarded Sifu Graun and Marc Adenaw the title of Master in his system.
Since 2015 Marc Adenaw participates regularly in seminars of Jan Silberstorff, who is the only German master student of the Chen Tai Chi series to teach the system all over the world.
In 2016 Marc Adenaw took private lessons with Frank Demann, whereby new influences in Wing Chun expanded his knowledge.
In the meantime Marc Adenaw did not remain inactive outside the Wing Chun system and continued his education in Kali Silat and Escrima.
Further positive influences were his occupation with the martial art Systema.
Marc Adenaw has been teaching in Goslar and Bad Harzburg for many years. He gives seminars at irregular intervals and private lessons on request.

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